Friday, November 4, 2011

In Their Shoes

 Yesterday I went to my Aunts' House, And on the way, the streets were jammed with cars. I looked around me and saw different people everywhere, And I wondered, " each one of them has his or her own story, I wonder what is it." looked to my right and saw couples fighting. looked in front of me and I saw a woman in her mid 40s carrying a baby and driving. Another car had a young woman fixing her make up.

 What I'm trying to say is that each person has a story that you don't know. like the couples, you don't know what they were fighting about. Or the woman, why was she alone? where's her husband? is that even her own son? and so on.

 Lately I've been telling my friends an advice, " Put Yourself in Their Shoes. " before judging someone because of a mistake they did or something that happened, put yourself in their place. look at yourself from another perspective. The last time I said that to a friend and telling him the situation from another side, he simply said " OMG! What Have I done. "

 Don't judge someone before walking in their shoes. like see that kid you kept hitting? he had enough abuse at home. see that girl you call fat? she's popping pills. see that boy who you're laughing at because he's crying? his mom is dying.

 "Walk a mile in someone's shoes before judging them. that way when you judge them, you have their shoes AND a mile away."

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