Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Here I am, in my new "home" where everything is different from where I grew up and used to.

 My Wonderland*...

 Just like Alice, a whole new world in front of me just waiting for me to explore it.

 My first night here - In Canada - was seriously a story. I arrived at the airport then took a taxi and went to this address that I have to meet my "roommate" in his house. When I actually arrived the house was pitch black and the weather was chilly and I was walking on snow for the first time, snow that I've only seen in the freezer. so I knocked and no one answered. The taxi driver was nagging so I just gave him the money and took my luggage and put them on the front porch.

 I went to the neighbors next door and there was this old granny who turned out to be "just visiting" and this was her son's house and he was out. so there I was in the cold in the middle of nowhere - at least for me - just wondering around the block looking for this guy. later on the woman's son came and invited me to his house and he called my roommate who turned out to be in the airport waiting for me...

 What a great way to start my first night out of Kuwait and on my own. It would be a great Christmas story as Bonnie - the old lady - said.

 I'm currently self-learning. A Sponge just absorbing whatever it touches. I'm learning the basics of survival, building my self esteem and confidence, trying to be more social or in other words, I'm coming out of my shell and starting to experience life.

 As I said, I'm in my Winter Wonderland. and as the great Gloria Gaynor once said, "I Will Survive".

*Did you know that Wonderland is actually called Underland but Alice had misheard it?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Leaving The Nest


 How many times you had to say that? to people, places, animals or even "dead stuff"?

 Today is kinda my last day in Kuwait. I'll go to Canada in the early morning. Honestly? I've never been alone ever. ever since I was a kid, Mom, Bro & I never really separated. a Triangle as my aunt once described us. 

 I feel like I'm a bird leaving the nest. I'm having mixed up feelings. I'm nervous, excited, sad, Happy all at the same time. I just gotta let go no?

 since this Post is the most personal one yet, I don't really know what I'm saying. I'm just expressing myself.

 We all hate goodbyes. maybe not all goodbyes are bad or sad but mostly they're very emotional. I personally always cry, although I always say that I Won't cry. but there's always 'good' in goodbye, you just gotta look for it. In my case, as I told my mom: " Don't cry cuz it's the end, be happy cuz it's the beginning." it really is!

 I Always thought that my life is a book. and right now I'm on the last page of the first chapter. all that has passed is something and all the yet to come is something else. So since Life's changing around me then I'm gonna make it mine.

 my friend told me that I shouldn't be sad or anything because people come in and out of my life and I shouldn't think about the stuff that I'm gonna miss here. Instead, I should about the exciting stuff I'm gonna experience there!

 in this post I'm gonna put two songs for the two sides. The first one is me leaving my heart in Kuwait and saying goodbye to everything. literally. I kept saying goodbye to my bed, walls, doors, furniture, TV...etc. I seriously love this song and it describes half of me right now.

The OTHER half of me, the happy and excited one says that it's gonna be an adventure and yes I'll go through some hard time but I'm up to it. after all, I am unwritten...

Friday, December 16, 2011


I'll start this post with a little mythical story.

 "In classic Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her, so he did—using water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents: Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo gave music and Hermes, persuasion. The gods also gave her the gift of curiosity.
When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora was given a beautiful jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was Hope. Pandora was deeply saddened by what she had done, and was afraid that she would have to face Zeus' wrath, since she had failed her duty; however, Zeus did not punish her, because he knew this would happen."

 Why did I start with this story? well cuz Pandora is one of my Fav Myths and because I'm gonna talk about what has been left in the box. that's right, Hope.

 To me hope is what keeps you going. it's the battery that keeps you moving. The candle that lights your darkest nights. It makes you believe that better stuff are yet to come. I'm mostly Optimistic. I mean I just hope for better stuff. yes I may be tired and gonna give up but I keep going through it till I reach my goal cuz I'm hoping.

  Hope is something essential in our life. without hope, life wouldn't exist. It's said that the darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn. You shouldn't give up because everything is "Maktub" as we -Arabs- say which literally means that "It's Written" now you're saying  "if everything's is already Maktub then why should I try?" well you should try because it'll teach you not to give up. you can't just hope, you gotta try.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sparks Of Creativity

 "Be Creative." that's what my friend always tells me when I try to think of doing something. it gets annoying sometimes cuz I need some help but overall it pushes you.

 Creativity! what is it? Is coming up with something that no one ever thought of? is it "thinking outside the box"? is it being Original? or is it all the above?

 to me Creativity is everything I just said. all you need is an idea, time and lots of work. I decided to write this post after going to an expo under the name "The Art Of Can" as you can see from the pic.
 it was held in a local mall called 360. My Brother & I dropped by and were fascinated by some of the work there. they were CREATIVE and thought outside the box to turn the simple Red Bull can to something unusual and unique.

 here are some pics I took.

The Kuwait Towers

Just Jammin

Swingin By

Red Bull Flowers


Scorpion...well duh.

The Red Bull Bull

this is what happens when you drink too much Red Bull

Ready, Set, RED BULL!

Red Bull Plane

Seeking Red Bull (this is my personal Fav)

and I made this one waaaaaay before the Expo :P

 As you saw, the everyday Red Bull can turned into stuff you didn't even think it could be! those are only some of the stuff which were there.

 You know that moment in Cartoons when a light bulb appears above someone's head indicating that s/he has an idea? well that light bulb exists! but it's invisible and it appears inside of your head. everyone sometimes has an idea or something but they don't work hard enough to turn it to reality. those Ideas or Light Bulbs or Sparks are inside each and every one of us.

 So in order to make it happen "You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine. Just own the night like the 4th of July. cuz baby you're a Firework." :P cheesy line no? but I'm serious! somehow these sparks can turn to a firework!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Scaredy Cat

I'm a scaredy cat, I confess. I have never ending phobias from lots of stuff. Some of them are really ridiculous whilst others are normal or in other words they are "common".

 There are two types of fear, the physical fear and the emotional/ spiritual fear. however we don't develop the emotional kind till we grow up. when we were kids, most of us were scared of the dark or monsters under the bed or snakes or anything. When we grew up and understood that we're a part of a society, other fears came up like the fear of rejection or not "blending in" or anything else.

 I asked on Twitter " What Scares You The Most?" and these are some of the answers that I got.

@IAmHish simply said: "Death."

@Dalowaisi said: "Losing the one I Love."

@MikuWalker said: "Dark Places."

@_Meeno said: "Heights."

@Peek3boo said: "Getting Old."

 As you can see, each and every one has his/her own fear. " We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or our possessions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand." ~ Paulo Coelho.

 As for me, I'm afraid of Snakes, Spiders, Stairs, Wood logs, Big Trucks, Traffic, Needles.....that's the physical ones. I know I know, you're probably like " wood logs?! " I'm always afraid of falling down and getting a nail right through my head ._.

 WHAT can we do to get rid of the fear? we can't. but we can adapt no? I mean take Courage The Cowardly Dog for example. he's a scaredy cat....sort of. but he always overcomes his fear in order to save his loved ones. that and to entertain us during the episode. Some people LIVE on the adrenaline they got from watching horrific bloody horror movies. you just gotta accept it. Try to overcome your fear. there's nothing stopping you from doing that except yourself! and if that didn't work then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.