I'm a scaredy cat, I confess. I have never ending phobias from lots of stuff. Some of them are really ridiculous whilst others are normal or in other words they are "common".
There are two types of fear, the physical fear and the emotional/ spiritual fear. however we don't develop the emotional kind till we grow up. when we were kids, most of us were scared of the dark or monsters under the bed or snakes or anything. When we grew up and understood that we're a part of a society, other fears came up like the fear of rejection or not "blending in" or anything else.
I asked on Twitter " What Scares You The Most?" and these are some of the answers that I got.
@IAmHish simply said: "Death."
@Dalowaisi said: "Losing the one I Love."
@MikuWalker said: "Dark Places."
@_Meeno said: "Heights."
@Peek3boo said: "Getting Old."
As you can see, each and every one has his/her own fear. " We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or our possessions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand." ~ Paulo Coelho.
As for me, I'm afraid of Snakes, Spiders, Stairs, Wood logs, Big Trucks, Traffic, Needles.....that's the physical ones. I know I know, you're probably like " wood logs?! " I'm always afraid of falling down and getting a nail right through my head ._.
WHAT can we do to get rid of the fear? we can't. but we can adapt no? I mean take Courage The Cowardly Dog for example. he's a scaredy cat....sort of. but he always overcomes his fear in order to save his loved ones. that and to entertain us during the episode. Some people LIVE on the adrenaline they got from watching horrific bloody horror movies. you just gotta accept it. Try to overcome your fear. there's nothing stopping you from doing that except yourself! and if that didn't work then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.
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