Friday, December 16, 2011


I'll start this post with a little mythical story.

 "In classic Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman on earth. Zeus ordered Hephaestus, the god of craftsmanship, to create her, so he did—using water and earth. The gods endowed her with many talents: Aphrodite gave her beauty, Apollo gave music and Hermes, persuasion. The gods also gave her the gift of curiosity.
When Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus took vengeance by presenting Pandora to Epimetheus, Prometheus' brother. With her, Pandora was given a beautiful jar which she was not to open under any circumstance. Impelled by her curiosity given to her by the gods, Pandora opened the jar, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth. She hastened to close the lid, but the whole contents of the jar had escaped, except for one thing that lay at the bottom, which was Hope. Pandora was deeply saddened by what she had done, and was afraid that she would have to face Zeus' wrath, since she had failed her duty; however, Zeus did not punish her, because he knew this would happen."

 Why did I start with this story? well cuz Pandora is one of my Fav Myths and because I'm gonna talk about what has been left in the box. that's right, Hope.

 To me hope is what keeps you going. it's the battery that keeps you moving. The candle that lights your darkest nights. It makes you believe that better stuff are yet to come. I'm mostly Optimistic. I mean I just hope for better stuff. yes I may be tired and gonna give up but I keep going through it till I reach my goal cuz I'm hoping.

  Hope is something essential in our life. without hope, life wouldn't exist. It's said that the darkest hour of the night came just before the dawn. You shouldn't give up because everything is "Maktub" as we -Arabs- say which literally means that "It's Written" now you're saying  "if everything's is already Maktub then why should I try?" well you should try because it'll teach you not to give up. you can't just hope, you gotta try.

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